3 Day Walk

Walk with us….For a cure….For your health….For fun!

What is it?

The Susan G. Komen 3 Day Breast Cancer Walk is 60 mile walk that is broken into 3 consecutive days of walking 2o miles per day.  The primary objective is to fund and find a cure for breast cancer.  This includes research, education, screening and treatment. I believe this is a great opportunity for us to get out of our homes and moving to bring awareness, raise funds, claim our health and have some fun!  I’ve released over 100lbs walking and I know this would be a wonderful way to give back, so I started team Six Simple Truths.  We’re working on some really exciting corporate sponsors which will make this a really fun event and put us in the spotlight.

Who can join?

We want you!  Walkers 15-17 need a consent form or must turn 16 in the year 2010.  Regardless of your motivations for walking, for your own health, for the health of others, for a cure, no matter.  We will help you meet your health goals and get ready for the big walk regardless of where you are in your current health.  We are here with open arms to all who want to participate and even if you think you couldn’t walk that far, I urge you to join anyway.  There are shuttle vans that can pick you up if you need assistance throughout the day.  We want 100+ people on our team!  I strongly encourage as many men to join us as possible to show the world that we care about this issue very deeply.

When is it?

We will be walking in the Atlanta 3 Day event on October 22-24th.  The exact locations are usually not announced until closer to the actual date.

How do I join?

Simple.  Email a team captain at feesmom@verizon.net and we’ll get you set up.  SGK charges $90 to join and requires you to raise $2300.  They give you a bunch of tools to do that and show you exactly how to go about getting that done.  We’ll be here for your support as well.

How can I donate?

Even more simple.  Click here and follow the instructions.  We’d love to have you walk but understand that not everyone can make it.  Feel free to show your support.

Stay tuned and be sure to sign up for any updates and for walking schedules and training events.

Additional questions?

Understandable…click here for more answers to FAQs and I look forward to meeting you!

Special Suprise!

We have reason to believe there will be at least one celebrity walker on our team that you all recognize.  I can’t reveal the name yet but they are passionate about weight release and breast cancer and you can be on their team with a group photo and plenty of fun.


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